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This Week


INTIMATE COMMUNITIES of spiritual formation, organized for good

Image by Kate Kalvach

An online resource for those who want to devote themselves to Jesus' teachings and follow Jesus' example in community.

The Goal

Encourage unity through a shared humanity that values cooperation over competition, generosity over greed, and grace over exclusion

Participants demonstrate authentic and embodied truth

Gatherings are distinguished by spiritual and empirical union 

Actions result in promoting wellbeing and the relief of suffering in the world

beyond knowing

toward becoming



Maintain an attitude of humility and open-mindedness

Embrace mystery (what we can't see), seeking, reconsidering, and spiritual discovery

Although everybody lives according to a set of stories, nobody knows the ultimate truth

Attempt to live as if the Jesus story is true

Jesus' story aligns with our inner conscience (it's inside us) and humanity's great spiritual thinkers and offers the best narrative to follow for human thriving


Belief is what we do, not what we think or say, and becoming like Christ requires spiritual empowerment

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